Monday 12 March 2007

Libraries on Youtube

If you go to the video sharing site Youtube and search under "library" you will find a miscellaneous collection of clips. There are excerpts from Japanese game shows, a Mr Bean episode, the infamous UCLA taser incident and a small collection of library promotion video clips. Nothing to get very excited about but I did like a video from a US Community college based on the PC vs Mac adverts that Apple has been running in the UK and USA recently. It features Web vs L. I. Brary in a dialogue about which one is more useful for students. It is a very simple production - basically a slide show with voice over - but the idea is a good one.

And if you want to see an advert that manages to insult librarians and women (especially blonds), grit your teeth and go to

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought the web v library vid was interesting if a little long.

I have to say, I laughed at the blonde in the library advert. But I'm not blonde. Although I am a female in libraries. Will I be drummed out of CILIP now? :-D